What Happens When You Begin to draw from your IRA, 401K,403B, or Thrift plan in Retirement

by admin on December 16, 2013

Wealth Wellness and Wisdom

Managerofwealth’s Blog

What Happens When You Begin to draw from your IRA, 401K,403B, or Thrift plan in Retirement

Tony Brayboy discusses the reality of retirement plans and the small amount of spendable income that comes from traditional plans. Mr. Brayboy makes a case for focusing on INCOME instead of Lump Sums.

If you want to understand how to create the income you are looking for start here. Purchase and study this simple $7.00 book.

Go here Now:
Tony Brayboy’s The Big Payback http://readthebigpayback.com/3-matrix/

Wishing you Wealth Wellness and Wisdom

Mark Fuller – Manager of Wealth

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