Mark Fuller Live at Bowie State University

by admin on December 12, 2013

Mark Fuller Live at Bowie State University

Income is the Goal not simply Cash Accumulation.

Listen to the lecture below and learn just how important income is to a truly happy life and retirement. If you knew what was shared in this lecture when you were beginning your financial life, you would be well on your way to a more secure future.

Check it out Now:

On December 5 2013 Bowie State University invited Mark Fuller of Manager of Wealth LLC to speak to their Freshman students in their Freshman Seminar class. The topic was personal money management and financial responsibility. What grew out of this lecture was a historic conversation between a seasoned financial veteran and several hundred beautiful young Black Minds. Few people in America ever know the truth that was shared at this lecture before they ever make, spend, or invest their first dollar.

I hope this conversation will be both informative and instructive for you and your family. Please share this conversation with the young people in your life.

“Freedom is a road seldom traveled by the multitude” – Fredrick Douglass

Listen Now:


Special Thanks to A. Johnson, and the Bowie State University Career Center and the incredible faculty and  students of BSU


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