Wealth Wellness and Wisdom and the Mythology of this Holy Trinity

by admin on July 10, 2013

I usually end my post by wishing you Wealth, Wellness And Wisdom and today I thought I’d address how this things are connected in 2013. Truthfully for the vast majority of people in America they are not on their way to wealth, they are not in very good health, and in spite of being educated they have not yet graduated to wisdom, they are simply smart.

Let’s take a real world example because I really don’t want to be vague on this subject.

Let start with wealth.

It is 2013 and the stock market is back at 14000, btw this is where it was back in 2008 before the crash when it dropped to 6600. In the real world nothing has really changed financially in terms of the factors that caused the crash. In fact, banks are still holding trillions in shadow inventory. Many borrowers have not paid in months or years and the country has still not found and economic engine to replace the run away train that was the real estate market. Inflation is actually incredibly high if you open you eyes. Look at the price of gas, bread, eggs in 2000 versus 2013. People want you to believe inflation is at 3% annually but it is much higher than that and growing everyday. Goods are at least 3 times more expensive than they were a decade ago.

Yet in spite of the economic realities would you believe that over 90% of Americans have never made ANY change in their retirement portfolios. They continue to contribute to their 401k and IRAs after taking major losses at least once every 8 years since the 1970s. How do you explain that as you claim to be headed toward wealth? Where is the common sense and how much time and effort are people putting into understanding whats is really going on?

Then look at health.

There is a developing surge in people seeking natural health practices and wellness. Two major things are driving the run to health, one is the incredible rising cost of Medical care in America and the other is the alarming rate of Cancer and other major diseases in young people. It seems the first law of self-preservation is kicking in and people are beginning to find out that instead of pills and surgery they can be healed of disease by fruits, veggies, and nutrients. This is major unfortunately it will take at least a generation for natural medicine to become the norm and ten of millions will die prematurely because the competing messages from the pharma industry have much better advertising. People will move to Wellness organically because their lives or the lives of someone close to them will have been saved by natural medicine and they will seek more information and make changes.

So where does Wisdom come in?

Wisdom is the ability to use all of your education and experience to discern the proper course of action and pathway in life. I submit that as a country we are slowly developing wisdom in the area of health because we need to do so to survive. However, we are moving backward in the area of wealth building because even as we make more money we are investing in the worst possible places.

You see the difference between Wealth and Wellness is profound. A sick person who is on many prescribed drugs will find natural medicine and in short order become completely healed from the disease from which the suffer. They will never actively seek to return to the drugs because they are in fact HEALED from fruits , vegetables, and nutrients.

In wealth building a person can lose half their life savings in the stock market and fully understand that it is a dangerous, unpredictable place to build wealth and still run back to the stock market if the market begins to rebound. I have heard more people talking about how the economy is back because the market is back at 14000 but if it was there 5 years ago then that is not a gain. The market can come back without the stocks in your portfolio coming back. We just don’t seem to be developing any wisdom when it comes to money. We are getting better at making money in business but when it comes to building true wealth we show no wisdom.

It is worth noting that in the 1970s before the rise of qualified plans(IRA, 401k, Thrift savings) and the rise of Pharma companies we were a much healthier and financially secure country. Imagine if all of the money that was generated in the 80s, 90s and 2000s was never invested in the stock market so when the market crashed the average American would not be losing their life savings. Can you imagine that because that is the way it needs to be for us to get on the true path to wealth building?

Imagine that our grocery stores actually had mostly food in there instead of foodstuff products. Most people don’t even realize that most of the products in a grocery store are made up chemical compounds and not food at all. The only real food in the store are the fruits, veggies and meats, the rest is Cheetos and Oreo cookies.

Take a look at your life and ask yourself are you developing true Wealth, Wellness and Wisdom and if not start seeking to make changes today.

This week I’m going to give you some major resources to help you along the path. I’m going to give you some truths to consider and some resources to explore to help you have a better life. Please subscribe to this blog. I promise to give you something life changing this week and every week and share this info with your friends.

Wishing you Wealth Wellness and Wisdom

Mark Fuller
Manager of Wealth

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